As constellation is so popular all over the world, many people even arrange their decisions according to the constellation each day, week and months, and if you are learning Chinese, there are zodiac in Chinese, and each zodiac represents one kind of characters, it is no less interesting than constellation. If you are learning Chinese, let’s learn Chinese translation to know astrology in Chinese.
Chinese Translations of Constellation
牡羊座 mǔ yáng zuò ( n. ) Áries
金牛座 jīn niú zuò ( n. ) Taurus
双子座 shuāng zǐ zuò ( n. ) Gémini
巨蟹座 jù xiè zuò ( n. ) Cancer
狮子座 shī zi zuò ( n. ) Leo
处女座 chǔ nǚ zuò ( n. ) Virgo
天秤座 tiān chèng zuò ( n. ) Libra
Sources from Chinese Translation: Astrology in Chinese