If you decide to study in Chinese university in Beijing, this page will list you Best Chinese Universities in Beijing, however, study in Chinese university in Beijing, it is better for you to learn chinese, if you don’t know Chinese, you can study in Chinese university in Beijing, for many people speak English and they can help you, but if you can speak Chinese and learn Chinese, everything will be much more convenient and fun for you in Beijing.
(The best way to learn Chinese is to learn Chinese in Beijing, while the most convenient way to learn Chinese is to learn Chinese online FREE)
Beijing Normal University - The Chinese Language & Culture College, Beijing Normal University has nearly 40 years of experience teaching Chinese as a second language. It shoulders the responsibility of teaching foreign students coming to China to study Chinese language and culture. There are 58 teachers and administrative personnel in the college, including 6 professors, 25 associate professors and 27 lecturers. (mandarin training in Beijing)
Sources from Best Chinese Universities in Beijing - Learn Chinese
Keywords: Learn Chinese in Beijing, Chinese school in Beijing, mandarin course in Beijing, mandarin training in Beijing