If you are learning Chinese, you may find out there are there many ways to say Chinese mandarin, and there are three popular ones - Beijing hua, Putonghua,Guoyu and Huayu, let’s see what the difference of Beijing hua, Putonghua,Guoyu and Huayu as follows. (The best way to learn Chinese is to learn Chinese in Beijing)
Putonghua -- "Normal language". In English putonghua is known as Mandarin -- the word is derived from the name of Chinese emperial government officials who were supposed to use the standard language. (mandarin training in beijing)
Beijing hua -- "Beijing speak" or "Beijing dialect" the Beijing dialect is a dialect, though the one whereon putonghua is based. It is the way common Beijingers speak in their daily life -- with all the features typical for vernacular.
Guoyu-- National language which is used for the variety of Standard Chinese as accepted in Taiwan. For the most of Taiwanese, it is the medium of education rather than their native language. However, through the decades of standardized compulsory education, it has become the core of vernacular speech for the post-war generations. The younger the person is, the more likely their Standard Chinese will be fluent.
Sources from Learn Chinese: Beijing hua, Putonghua,Guoyu and Huayu
Keywords: Learn Chinese in Beijing, Chinese school in Beijing, mandarin course in Beijing, mandarin training in Beijing