Do you find learning Chinese is hard for you? This page will provide you Useful Suggestions to Learn Chinese which will help you learn Chinese more efficiently and easier for you.
At the beginning to learn Chinese, you can try to listen to the pronunciations of the pinyin and tones of Chinese a million times. For through listening to Chinese, you will find that you have gotten an idea of every possible pronunciation in pinyin. It can do good to your Chinese communications.
Find the right Chinese book according to your Chinese level to learn Chinese step by step. Try to label things to remember some daily words of Chinese. In other word, this way will help you to enlarge your vocabulary in a silent way.
Try to learn something about the radicals will be useful for your leaning of Chinese characters. Almost 90% of characters are composed of a radical along with a pronunciation component. The radical will tell you something about the meaning of the character. The pronunciation part will give you a rough idea about how the word sounds.
The best way to learn Chinese is to learn Chinese in Beijing, so you can choose a good Chinese language school such as the Bridge School to learn Chinese in Beijing.It is convenient for you to learn something from the Internet for there are numerous websites offering various materials for your leaning. You can also find some friends who have the same interest in Chinese like you.
Sources from Useful Suggestions to Learn Chinese
Keywords: Learn Chinese in Beijing, Chinese school in Beijing, mandarin course in Beijing, mandarin training in Beijing