
Basic Information to Learn Chinese Names

 Basic Information to Learn Chinese Names
  In many Western countries, there is a short list of popular 'first names,' but countless 'last names.' In China, it is just the reverse. The list of last name is short, and the number of first names is in the billions. And if you are learning chinese, it is better for you to have a chinese name, so this page will provide you Basic Information to Learn Chinese Names.
  (The best way to learn Chinese is to learn Chinese in Beijing, while the most convenient way to learn Chinese is to learn Chinese online FREE)
  This may be the reason that in Western countries, one customarily tell strangers one's first name ("My name is Bob.") Whereas in China, one generally give out his last name instead ("Just ask for Mr. Wang.")
  The list of "Hundred Names (百家姓)" was compiled many years ago by order of the Emperor as the 100 most popular surnames (or last, or family names) in China at the time. School children used to memorize them, or at least the first few names from the list.
The top 8 Chinese last names, based on this list complied hundreds of years ago, are:Zhao Qian Sun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang.
  Keywords: Learn Chinese in Beijing, Chinese school in Beijing, mandarin course in Beijing, mandarin training in Beijing

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